The most useful fruits are known to mankind since ancient times. People have discovered their valuable properties and learned how to use them correctly. One such fruit is traditionally believed to be grenades.
Modern science has confirmed that this juicy fruit is a storehouse of useful micro – and macro nutrients. How to properly introduce pomegranate into food, and who should use it?
One of the most unusual and useful fruits is pomegranate. Its characteristic feature is the high content of valuable nutrients not only in the fruit grains, but also in the bones and rind. Modern scientists have found out what useful properties have “Royal fruit” (so it was formerly called pomegranates). Despite the fact that more than three-quarters of the juicy pulp falls on water, the rest is full of nutrients. It contains many valuable amino acids necessary for the proper functioning of the human body, as well as carbohydrates.
This useful fruit is appreciated, first of all, for its unique composition. Among the vitamins it should be noted the high content of vitamins C, B6 and B12, and among the minerals – a large amount of calcium, phosphorus, iodine and iron. In addition, pomegranate contains fruit acids, phytoncides and other valuable organic compounds.
The peel of this fruit contains the same amount of useful components as the pulp, and the number of tannins even exceeds it. It should also be noted that pomegranate seeds are a source of minerals, vitamins and polyunsaturated acids. From them, medicinal oils used in dermatology and cosmetology are extracted. It is important to note the low calorie content of the fruit, only 60-80 calories.
The use of pomegranate for the following organs and systems is proved.
- Cardiovascular system
High content of vitamin C helps better absorption of iron (both from the fruit and from other foods), as well as increase the strength of the walls of blood vessels. Some minerals strengthen the heart muscle. Among other things, the substances present in this fruit, promote blood thinning.
- The digestive system
Pomegranate seeds contain fruit acids and vegetable fibers, which contribute to the improvement of peristalsis and the preservation of beneficial intestinal micro flora, having a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms. These fruits also have a stimulating effect on the pancreas, improving digestion.
- The immune system
Pomegranates, like all healthy fruits, is a natural means of strengthening the immune system.
Contraindications for the use of pomegranate (as well as fresh juice from this fruit) is the presence of stomach ulcers, gastritis, as well as the period of exacerbation of acute chronic diseases of the digestive tract. High acid content can also adversely affect the condition of the enamel of the teeth, so the juice is recommended to dilute with water or drink through a straw. In addition, this sweet fruit can be a source of a strong allergic reaction, so it should not be offered to children under three years.
Pomegranate is the most valuable fruit for anemia.
Such useful fruits, as pomegranates are often recommended to eat people with low hemoglobin. Is the use of pomegranate effective in iron deficiency anemia?
Most people believe that this fruit is an excellent source of iron. Even some doctors recommend that their patients who have suffered heavy blood loss, or suffering from iron deficiency anemia, enter into the diet of pomegranates. However, scientific research has shown that this iron in the pomegranate is in hard-to-digest form.
Meat of farm animals (veal, beef), as well as by-products are much more effective in increasing the level of hemoglobin than sweet fruits, which include pomegranates. In addition, there are special iron preparations, which are indicated for anemia.
The main value of pomegranate is its ability to raise the overall tone of the body, thanks to the rich vitamin and mineral composition, as well as the presence of numerous amino acids. It should also be noted the ability of this fruit to improve the absorption of iron from other plant and animal products. In addition, its antioxidant content is much higher than that of products such as red wine, blueberries, red currants or raspberries. It is also important to learn how to choose grenades.
When buying, it should be noted that a good, ripe fruit should have an elastic skin and be quite heavy.
When choosing a store pomegranate juice, you need to remember that many manufacturers dilute their products with other fruit and vegetable juices, as well as add various artificial additives. Therefore, it is advisable to squeeze the pomegranate juice yourself and drink immediately after cooking.
Picture Credit: Fruchthandel_Magazin