Natural Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

Natural Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

Did you know that there are ways to regulate cholesterol naturally? You do not have to take a lot of medication or worry about complications.

What is cholesterol?

Before giving any advice on how to regulate cholesterol, we want to tell you what it is. This organic compound is produced by the liver. Due to the normal level of cholesterol, the cells of the body receive the amount of fat they need for proper functioning.

Problems arise when a person eats low-quality fats because then cholesterol is also of poor quality. Cells do not receive normal nutrition.

To help you prevent this, we’ll look at ways to regulate your cholesterol. Try to follow these guidelines and your health will definitely improve.

1. Consume more monounsaturated fats

Some people think that because of high cholesterol they need to stop eating all types of fats. But this is not the case, because for normal functioning the body needs proper nutrition. Instead, you should give up harmful fats and consume only useful ones.

Monounsaturated fats increase the level of HDL cholesterol that everyone should get in high amounts.

Foods that contain this type of fat include olive oil, nuts, olives, coconut oil, almonds, eggs, and avocados.

Try to include one of these foods in every meal (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). When you go to the store for groceries, do not spare money and make a choice in favor of quality. Only quality food will help you to restore health and maintain it in the future.

Be sure to watch the portions, because it is very easy to overdo the calories. Never mix several foods with fat content, if you have not previously calculated the caloric content of the dish. For example, if you add nuts to a salad, do not season it with oil. It is better to add vinegar or a similar dressing.

2. Consume more polyunsaturated fats, especially omega-3

Another dietary advice to help lower cholesterol is to eat more Omega 3. Like monounsaturated fats, Omega 3 lowers bad cholesterol.

In one study, researchers found that people who replaced other fats with Omega 3 fats have:

  • decreasing levels of bad cholesterol;
  • decreasing risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

In this case, we recommend eating more salmon, tuna, nuts, and shrimp.

To provide your body with enough Omega 3, eat a portion of fish twice a week. Although salmon is especially known for its Omega 3 fatty acids, it can be replaced with other fish.

3. Avoid trans fats

The following dietary recommendation for lowering cholesterol concerns trans fats. They are usually found in foods that have undergone careful processing, such as margarine, cakes, and store-bought pastries.

Trans fats are often used in the food industry because they can withstand high temperatures. They also give products a better texture than other types of fats.

Despite these benefits, trans fats harm heart health and increase cholesterol levels.

4. Consume plenty of soluble fiber

Soluble fiber is mainly found in vegetables. It completely dissolves during digestion and does not interfere with the body. Soluble fiber activates the digestive tract and maintains it in good condition.

In addition, it is an important element for the proper reproduction of beneficial intestinal bacteria (probiotics). When the body has a normal balance of probiotics, the level of bad cholesterol is significantly reduced.

That is why it is important to eat a lot of fiber every day to regulate cholesterol levels. It is found in green vegetables, legumes, lentils, fruits, oatmeal, and wheat.

Remember that for maximum results you need to act consistently and follow a proper diet for a long time.

Picture Credit: Unsplash

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