The fact that healthy fish should land on our plates as often as possible knows even children. However, not all of us are aware of why fish are considered a valuable delicacy, and even more so as to eat fish to take full advantage of the power of their nutrients. Let’s try to get a fishing rod and learn more about the properties of fish dishes in the main role.
Fish for breakfast, fish for dinner …
In media discussions, it is often recalled that the inhabitants of countries that have easier access to fish dishes in a natural way – Japanese, inhabitants of Mediterranean countries, ethnic groups inhabiting the northern parts of the continents, etc. – generally live longer and are less often tormented by systemic diseases circulation than Europeans or Americans. Certainly, however, it is worth reaching for the treasury of nutrients that are offered by healthy fish and gradually adding them to your menu. It would be ideal if we could eat a fish dish two or three times a week.
Why is it worth eating healthy fish?
Many dietitians strongly encourage you to choose fish by changing their benefits by all possible cases. So what are the protagonists of today’s article deserving of compliments? Such opinions about fish are not only the result of a successful marketing campaign of the fishing industry, but first of all research that informs us about useful elements that have the healthiest fish in them. Well, these flying vertebrates are a source of valuable minerals: selenium, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, fluorine, cobalt or calcium. Fatty species also provide fat-soluble vitamins – A, E, D and B vitamins. First of all, fish on the diet supply us with easily digestible protein, which is a source of energy and building muscle tissue, and polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids.
The healthiest fish, or what fish to eat is worth
The above mentioned nutrients are a set of universal “fish competencies” that we can meet by adding different fish to our menu. It is known that uneven fish and individual species differ in their nutritional properties. Which of them can be considered better depends on many factors, including the environment in which they live, the quality of the water, the manner of fishing, etc. One of the rules says that the healthiest fish are those living in salt water. They provide more omega-3 fatty acids than freshwater fish. Among sea fish, fatty species are considered the most valuable, e.g. herring, mackerel or salmon.
Fish and slimming
If greasy species are the best, then the question is whether fish on a diet is a good idea? Or maybe a thin fish is an oxymoron? Indeed, most fish are considered fat products, but there are also those that we consider to be less calorific. About them in a moment. Let’s focus on fat for a moment. The fat contained in fish does not have to translate into a larger state of having our body fat. This is one of the nutritional myths in which everything fat is bad. Lipids are essential for keeping the body in good shape. The fat provided by the fish, in certain amounts, is the most useful. People who are on a restrictive diet, or struggling with digestive problems, can reach lean fish: Salt, Cod, Pollock, Pike, Panga, Bream or Flounder.
Picture Credit: cattalin