Why Is It Harder to Lose Weight as You Get Older?

Why with age is more difficult to lose weightYou noticed that at 18 you could eat whatever you wanted, and at the same time be fine. And at the age of 30 to lose a couple pounds, it takes almost a month. This happens because the metabolism slows down with age, and even the slightest violations of the diet lead to weight gain. Knowing this, it will be easier for you to keep fit.

Metabolism is a chemical process. The body digests food, and then receives energy from it. A lot depends on this chemical process: how much can we eat to prevent it from getting better. The metabolic rate is different and varies with age.

Metabolism is genetics

Let’s be frank, there are lucky ones who are gifted by nature with good metabolism, which allows them to burn calories faster and eat more than one serving of chocolate cake. Such women can be recognized by their dry skin and excellent smooth skin, which even with age is barely covered with wrinkles.

You are very lucky if you belong to the 7% who, according to statistics, have an excellent metabolism. But if you are one of those who recover even looking at the cake, then you should teach your body to cope with the recessions and upsurge of energy needs and make friends with the metabolism, rather than work against it.

Metabolism depends on the work of the hormonal system

Metabolism of the female body changes with the years, and every 10 years there is a decrease in the rate of about 5-10%. The result can be a weight gain of 4-6 lb every 10 years. And this despite the fact that you do not eat bread and chocolate in tons. And if you eat … do not be surprised at the nostalgic tears from photos of 15 years ago.

However, if you do not sin overeating, but it’s still difficult to keep, then the reason is the failure of the hormonal system. It can be anything – the thyroid gland (with hypothyroidism, when thyroid function is reduced, weight may increase), with problems with the adrenal glands, with dysfunction of the ovaries and the pituitary gland, and so on.

What to do? If you notice an increase in weight with a normal diet and enough activity, go to the endocrinologist and go through the examination.

Metabolism depends on physical activity

In the happy 20, when you could afford to eat anything, and in any quantities, the metabolism was, as they say, at the peak due to two main factors – muscle mass and hormone levels. They are at this age the highest and most effective. When you are over 30, the metabolic rate changes.

It’s because your physical activity is not as high as it used to be. You walk more slowly, less engaged in physical education and not so active in sex. Therefore, it is extremely important to know – the older you become, the higher the level of your physical activity should be.

What to do? Find the kind of physical activity that you like. Swimming pool, Oriental dance studio, freestyle with a dog, morning jogging, gym – the choice is yours.

Metabolism depends on nutrition

As always, we are rested in the diet. Yes, if your 20-year-old stomach could easily digest shish kebab, eclair, and even beer, then after 10-15-20 years such a dinner will be similar to a knockout not only for the digestive system, but also for the hormonal and immune. Imagine how much harder it is for you to climb to the 10th floor today than at 16? Before, you took off like a rocket, today you make at least two respites. Similarly, internal organs – they are much more difficult to cope with the same as before, the load.

All nutritionists of the world say that nutrition over the years should only be facilitated and reduced in volume, and only increase in frequency. The more often you eat, the more active your metabolism, which you do not allow to doze, constantly throwing “droveries” into the fire.

What to do? Exclude foods containing sugar, white flour, yeast, preservatives.

Factors that affect biochemical processes are amenable to control. Now that you know what your metabolism depends on, it will be easier for you to control your weight, well-being and, most importantly, a sense of enjoying life.

Image credit: Wadams

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