Image credit: ParoxDark
About such a disease as a thrombosis, probably everyone heard, but very many people think that this “illness of the elderly” and it certainly does not concern them. But to think about the health of your blood vessels is necessary as soon as possible!
What is thrombosis, is partly clear already from the name itself – it is a disease in which clots form on the walls of the arteries and veins. This is a natural process, a protective reaction of the body that helps stop bleeding. But with thrombosis such blockage does not arise for protection or not only for it. Anomalies come to the fore, and the main one is the increased coagulability of blood. The thrombosis can provoke severe, and sometimes even fatal conditions: if the thrombus comes off, it will become a “stopper” that will stop the blood flow and turn off important organs from work. Doctors do not tire of repeating: it is important to take care of the prevention of thrombosis as early as possible, eliminating those risk factors that depend on lifestyle.
Risk factors
Factors of thrombosis risk are not so small, it is the age and a number of diseases in which thrombosis becomes a complication, and trauma to the limbs, and the transferred operations. But these are only those that are difficult for us to influence. The key risk factors: such as overweight and sedentary lifestyle – we can fix it.
A sedentary lifestyle is a real problem of modern society – we prefer a car ride to a walk, and a comfortable chair and a favorite TV show are an active rest.
Exercises against thrombosis
Any motor activity is a prevention of thrombosis, and everyone can choose that type of exercise and the intensity that he likes. The most productive are walking (from an ordinary walk after a working day to a more intense Nordic walking). Your main task is the stable strengthening of the leg muscles: muscles as an additional pump push blood from the lower extremities upwards.
We offer a short training complex, which can be performed even in the workplace.
1. Exercise for the feet
Sit on a chair (the angle under the knees is exactly 90 degrees), put the feet together. Tear off the toes from the floor and pull toward you. Go back to the full foot and climb up the toes, tearing off the heels off the floor. Perform 8 repetitions, alternating toe-toe heels.
2. Tension of the back of the thigh
Stand up straight, place the legs on the width of the hips, one leg slightly bend in the knee, the other – put on the heel, pull the mouse to yourself. Lean forward from the hip to the toe (there should be a feeling of tension in the back of the thigh and popliteal area). Hold in this position for 30 seconds, go back to the starting position and repeat, changing the position of the legs.
3. Exercise for the muscles of the calf
Stand up straight, put your feet on the width of your hips, climb up on the toes. Go back to the starting position and repeat. Perform 12 repetitions.
4. Hip rotation
Stand upright, put your feet on the width of the shoulders, tear one leg off the floor, bend at the knee and bring to the height of the hip. Make circular movements with the hip for 4 movements clockwise and counterclockwise. Then repeat with the other foot.
5. Exercise for stretching the spine
Stand up straight, place your feet on the width of your hips, take a deep breath and stretch your arms up. On exhalation, lean forward, trying to touch the toes with your fingers (if you can not, just drag down as far as possible). Perform 8 repetitions.
Image credit: YogawithAmit
Tips for the coach
If your work is associated with long sitting, and you do not have time even for short office gymnastics, get up every 30-40 minutes and just walk around the office.
Drink more water.
Start the day with a contrast shower, depending on the time of year, adjust the temperature regimes.
Begin regularly to train at least 2-3 times a week.
More walking – make your habit of regular walks before or after work for 20-30 minutes.
When choosing the training areas, pay attention to functional training, Nordic walking, running, stretching.