8 Signs of Heart Disease Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

8 Signs of Heart Disease Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

In fact, heart disease ranks first in the world in the number of fatalities. Moreover, every day the number of patients with disorders of the cardiovascular system is constantly growing.

These diseases negatively affect not only the heart’s ability to perform its functions properly but also the health and strength of the arteries, the speed of blood circulation, and even brain activity.

Among the main causes of cardiovascular disease are a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition, but the significant impact also has genetic factors, regular stress, abuse of bad habits.

The main problem in diagnosing heart disease is that in the initial stages there are no alarming symptoms and visible signs, so they are incredibly difficult to detect in time and provide the necessary care to the patient.

The main signs of heart disease

1. Chest pain

One of the most common symptoms of cardiovascular disease is severe chest pain. Many people mistakenly believe that with heart disease, the body will immediately remember the pain in the chest, but in fact, this unpleasant symptom appears only in the later stages of the disease, when the problem becomes serious.

Although chest pain may indicate not only cardiovascular disease but also less serious disorders of other internal organs, this symptom should not be ignored, especially if the pain is intense and recurs regularly.

2. Pain all over the body

Although sharp pain and burning sensations in the chest usually occur during a heart attack, do not forget that heart disease can be indicated by pain in other parts of the body.

In addition, heart problems negatively affect blood flow rate and blood pressure, which can cause discomfort in the heart muscle.

Be sure to see a doctor if you are concerned about pain in the body parts:

  • shoulders;
  • hands;
  • neck;
  • jaw;
  • stomach.

3. Accelerated heart rate

Pulse measurement is one of the simplest methods of determining the presence of disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Of course, the heart rate may change slightly daily. However, if you experience a pulse abnormality for a long time, be sure to see a doctor and get tested.

In most cases, an abnormal pulse is accompanied by weakness in the body, dizziness, and general malaise.

4. Lack of air (shortness of breath)

Sudden loss of ability to breathe evenly without good cause can be a sign of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Note that very often shortness of breath is accompanied by heart failure and heart attack.

The causes of shortness of breath are poor oxygen saturation and difficulty in blood flow. It is because of poor blood circulation in the body that a person experiences shortness of breath and inability to breathe fully.

5. Excessive sweating

Heavy sweating, especially if it bothers a person at rest, may also indicate the development of complications of the cardiovascular system or a sudden heart attack.

6. Pale skin

If a person suffers from cardiovascular disease, it means that the blood is poorly circulating and the cells do not receive enough oxygen. This is what leads to the loss of naturally healthy skin color.

7. The inflammatory process in the joints

In addition to disorders of the cardiovascular system, there are many other diseases that are accompanied by inflammation in the joints. The severity of this phenomenon should not be underestimated, as inflammation can lead to chronic changes in blood pressure.

The cause of unstable pressure is fluid retention in the tissues of internal organs, which adversely affects the speed of blood circulation and elasticity of the arteries.

8. Fatigue

Sometimes people can feel very tired for a few weeks before other signs of heart disease appear. The cause of fatigue is the difficulty of blood circulation through the arteries, due to which the cells do not receive the proper amount of oxygen.

Of course, the feeling of fatigue can be a symptom not only of a heart attack but also of other diseases, because fatigue often accompanies various disorders of internal organs and systems.

Are you familiar with the above signs of heart disease? No matter what answer you give to this question, do not forget to regularly undergo a complete examination of the body. It will allow you to identify in time all possible disorders of the cardiovascular system. In order to reduce the risk of heart disease, it is necessary to follow the principles of proper nutrition and exercise regularly.

Picture Credit: Unsplash

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