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Cardio workout for losing weight. How? When? How many? All about cardio loads
If it comes to overweight and its burning, the first thing to think about is to go jogging or other active sports, and this is the very cardio workout that promises to bring our body to shape. Let’s gradually understand what’s what, how to wrap these cardio loads on the process of fat splitting and how not to harm your own body, in particular the cardiovascular system.
What is cardio?
Cardio is a training aimed at the intensive work of the heart and lungs. During cardio loads, the heart rate increases more rapidly, due to the more intensive work of the lungs, the body is saturated with oxygen, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, the metabolism is increased, the blood cholesterol level decreases, and cardio training actively burns subcutaneous fat deposits.
The main element in any cardio workout is oxygen, it depends on it the effectiveness of the load, without sufficient oxygen to achieve fat burning is simply impossible, which is why special attention should be given to breathing during exercise.
Initially, these loads were used only to improve the heart, increase stamina and stabilize the general condition, but over time, cardio began to be used to burn fat, and as a consequence of a more delineated muscle relief.
Kinds of cardio loads
The most common and effective types of cardio training are running, step-aerobics, cycling or bicycling, practicing on an elliptical trainer or stepper and, of course, swimming.
Recently, in fitness centers, yoga, bodyflex, as well as the tai-bo system or various types of martial arts are often used as cardio. There are less common, but no less effective types of cardio load, for example, rowing, fast walking, active sports such as badminton or tennis. As you can see the variety of species is quite large and the performance of cardio-loading at home will not become less effective.
During effective cardio loads, in addition to proper breathing, there is no less important factor, which is responsible for the effectiveness of classes – this is the intensity. It is determined by the pulse rate during certain physical exertions, in particular cardio.
The simplest and most common, however, is not the most accurate formula for calculating the optimal pulse during cardio-loading:
220 – age = maximum heart rate
Thus, if you are 28 years old, then 220 – 28 = 192. It is 192 beats per minute, which is your maximum pulse during the performance of cardio workouts.
Based on this training can be divided into a degree of intensity, namely:
- low intensity (65% or lower from your maximum heart rate);
- average intensity (65-70% of your maximum heart rate);
- high intensity (70-85% of your maximum heart rate).
Given the above example, calculate the number of beats per minute for different load intensities:
- low intensity: 192 x 0.60 = 115.2 beats per minute;
- average intensity: 192 x 0.70 = 134.4 beats per minute;
- high intensity: 192 x 0.85 = 163.4 beats per minute.
For calculation, you must use your maximum heart rate calculated above for cardio-operations.
Of course, at the initial stage of cardio training it is better to adhere to low intensity and gradually increase it.
Image credit: profivideos
When is it better to do cardio workouts?
- morning time, preferably on an empty stomach;
- after strength training;
- evening time.
I would like to delay your attention on cardio training AFTER the strength exercises. Including cardio loads before strength training is one of the most common mistakes, let’s see why. The muscles are filled with a substance called glycogen, which blocks the beginning of the splitting of fatty deposits, and until glycogen is burned in our muscles, trying to burn fat is simply meaningless. This substance is burned at least after 30-40 minutes, so running on a treadmill before training will be a senseless waste of time, which could be spent with advantage. Namely, during the strength training, glycogen is perfectly cleaved, so a 45-minute strength training exercises the muscles and prepares them for an intensive, and most importantly effective cardio exercise, in which you can instantly begin to burn the accumulated excess fats.
Please note that this aspect does not concern warm-up and hitching in the overall structure of training. And if you are used to warming up, using a treadmill or elliptical trainer, continue in the same spirit. However, remember that for directed cardio training it will be more effective to use these simulators only after strength exercises, using different schemes for cardio loads.
How often do you practice cardio?
This aspect of training is very individual and depends on the goals.
- 1-2 times a week. This system is perfect for strengthening the cardiovascular system and maintaining the general state of the body;
- 1-3 times a week. This system of cardio training, you can use in the case of muscle building, that is, the “massonabor” period.
- 3-6 times a week. “Drying”. The system is excellent during the so-called “drying”, there is accelerated fat burning and as a result, weight reduction.
However, you should understand that the above figures are very approximate and depend on many factors. At the initial stage of the exercise, it is better not to be diligent with the amount of cardio, it is better to emphasize the quality, thereby preparing your body, and in particular the cardiovascular system, to further increase cardio workouts. And for greater efficiency, you must select the type of program for cardio workouts and then alternate them with each other.
Length of cardio workout
The most optimal time for practicing cardio workouts is 30 to 60 minutes, but the opposite is that the maximum time for cardio workouts should not exceed 45 minutes, otherwise you risk burning not only fat tissue, but also muscle.
In any case, you are not preparing for a sprint race, for this and 45 minutes, with a head enough to get rid of excess fat. And at the initial stage does not need to overstate the bar and run 45-60 minutes, it can be fraught with deterioration of the cardiovascular system. Start the cardio load from 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the time.
How to breathe correctly with cardio?
The rhythm of breathing directly depends on the intensity of the training and the speed of the exercises, therefore, it is selected strictly individually. The most convenient option is to select the rhythm of breathing for cyclic movements (steps, rotation of the pedals, etc.). For example, breathing in 3 steps, exhaling for 3 steps, and exhalation is recommended for 2 accounts.
For intermittent and short-term cardiovagings, breathing should be frequent, but shallow, as it were superficial. With prolonged and intense cardio, respiration, on the contrary, should be infrequent, but deep. In this case, try to take a full breath and the same full exhalation.
In the initial stages, pay special attention to your breathing, because wrong breathing is the greatest mistake of all newcomers, believe me, after some time you will not have to pay so much attention to this aspect.
The benefits of cardio workouts
- more intensive burning of fatty deposits;
- decrease in the appearance of cellulite;
- strengthening of the cardiovascular system;
- strengthening the muscles of the whole body;
- improvement of blood circulation;
- improvement of metabolism;
- increased lung volume;
- reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Cardio loads
- Excessive stress on the cardiovascular system;
- load on the joints (in some types of cardio loads);
- load on ligaments (in some types of cardio loads).
Contraindications to cardio surgery
Of course, contraindications to training depend on the type of cardioadgulation chosen, but there are general contraindications excluding cardio activities:
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- presence of oncological diseases;
- diabetes;
- infectious diseases;
- postoperative or postpartum periods.